Sunday, March 16, 2014


It has been such a whirlwind lately! I have felt pressure on EVERY SIDE! Work has been stressful yet satisfying in the sense that people are being taken care of and shown TLC at some of the most vulnerable times they've ever experienced. A couple of my married co-workers are having affairs, a few of my patients could have been treated better I felt, Supervisor got fired, I put in my 2 weeks because the stress of it all was too much given the fact our support staff was flexed. Marriage has been going through simply because so many things about ourselves God is sanctifying and calling us to a higher level of accountability and if you have ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought what just happened?? or replayed a disagreement or conversation and thought WHY LORD then you understand EXACTLY what I mean. One of the hardest things to do is see ugliness in yourself, swallow your pride and try to do right according to the word of God. Change is difficult but vital in order to progress to a new TRANSFORMED you. The transformation takes place because you decided to CONFORM to the will of God and our standard of the perfect man in Christ Jesus. As we continue to daily surrender to his will...conforming takes place...transforming who you are. Now I don't have to look in the mirror and see me... but I can see what he has placed in me.
My Grandfather broke his foot and that man has my heart. I love him so much. I have gotten to spend more time with him recently but with my NEW job based on my availability, I have more opportunity to spend with him and I am grateful.

My BABIES are growing up so fast and it amazes me how time has flown by!! I am looking forward to my new job but more importantly spending every stinkin moment I can with them means the WORLD to me.  I continue to remind myself that my level of accountability and standard for living is never going to be like most around me and that I am required to change according to what I know of the God I serve and I have been imparted into greatly by powerful men and women of God who have laid down mantles for me to pick up and carry. EVERYTHING in the WORLD...MY WORLD works out for my GOOD because I know my Daddy loves me more than life itself and he has predestined me to be victorious, justified, transformed, and glorified in him. Remember your anointing does not exceed the struggle to transform. Christ DIED so he could have ALL power... how much more should we die on a daily basis to to be like him. I'm dying....are you?

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